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Showing posts from March, 2024

Sweet Corn Fried Rice - Fried rice recipe without any sauce - Kid's lunch box recipes

Sweet corn fried rice - another fried rice recipe without any sauce, vinegar and mono sodium glutamate. This fried rice tastes exactly like the heaping fried rice you order at the restaurant. It's fluffy, full of flavour with crunchy capsicum pieces and impossible to stop with one plate.  So, what makes Sweet corn fried rice special? It's all about that beautiful yellow colour and mild sweet taste from the fresh sweet corn kernels. The rice is flavoured with black pepper powder, green chillies and cloves. I also added a handful of fresh green capsicum in my sweet corn fried rice. Just dice the capsicum  and do not saute it for more than 30 seconds. This sweet corn fried rice takes about 10 minutes of preparation to get the veggies diced, another 5 minutes to remove the sweet corn kernels, then 10 minutes to cook the rice. I hope you like this Sweet corn fried rice recipe and kindly watch the video for step by step instructions. I have been experiencing severe shoulder pain for...