Carrot Burfi is prepared with grated carrot, grated coconut, milk powder, sugar and ghee. This is similar to my mango coconut burfi but it is quicker than mango burfi. The moisture in the mango pulp takes some time to get thick whereas in this carrot burfi it gets easily thick and perfect for kids birthday party and also for potlucks. If you use fresh, juicy carrots it will be easy to grate it finely. No need to grind the carrots. The milk powder gives a nice texture to the burfi and it also helps to give perfect consistency to cut the burfis. When it comes to burfi the sugar level is high when compared to other varieties. The first step is to saute the grated carrots and coconut for a few minutes on medium heat to remove the raw smell of the carrots and the moisture from the coconut. Then you have to combine the milk powder and sugar. This burfi does not require any sugar syrup consistency, so you can start stirring the carrot coconut mixture on medium heat. You have to a...
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