Badusha is a popular sweet prepared with maida, ghee and sugar. Badushas are one of the favourite desserts for my husband. This dessert comes together quite easily because it doesn't require any difficult steps like stirring work for halwa or burfi. The dough is also easy to knead with two simple steps. Let us see some important tips for perfect badusha. Making dough for badusha To make successful dough for badusha it is important to develop gluten in the dough by kneading with proper ingredients and measurements. For the dough all you need is maida, ghee and a pinch of baking soda. No special equipments like beater or anything is not required to knead the dough. Just add a pinch of baking soda to get a soft texture for the badusha. But do not add more than a pinch because it will be separated while frying the badusha. I have experimented with butter and ghee for kneading the dough and I got perfect results with ghee. For 500 grams maida, 175 to 200 grams of ghee are requ...
Virundhombal means serving food with hospitality surcharged with true devotion and love.